Oh My God, it's like a zillion decade i'm not posting anything here. Maybe because i have all those stupid IG, FB, Twitter that made me become so lazy to post? or i'm just literally too busy to post? or both? Hahahahaha. i'm kinda miss this blog, i know it's sound so depressing (miss your own blog? like missed yourself?). i will try to post at least once in a month. (i will put it in my reminder), just to keep myself updated with vocabularies (being in medical with all the jargons made my English as lame as aliens who tried so hard to speak human). Currently, i am in my final lap, my final semester, my critical point and i think, i'm about to break, to give up, to leave it all behind, and pretend i'm a cat, but, i know, i can't do that (and impossible some more), so SUCK IT UP! So, share your thought, if you ever had this similar breaking point in your life. i will tell you more what i'm facing. i'm off to do my Case Write Up. :-)
March already, time flies so fast, as i already sit for my final SEM 3 exam. Overall, i’m suck. Don’t know what the reaction on my lecturer’s face when they read my answer paper. But that’s all my best and like what The Beatles said “Let it be!” Whoa! Seems so kamikaze this time. With my previous experience sat for final exam, i think this is the worst. But, what make me felt bad, i have 3 weeks for my study weeks. So, the heck that i said this exam is the worst? The concrete cement reason why i said so because i’m having dengue fever for my second week of study week. This disease ruin my study week, but i’m not saying this is the major reason i do worst in exam. It might contribute some or part of it. 15 th Feb 2014 I felt a bit cold at the evening. At night, i reaching for blanket. Want to cover my whole body but since my body temperature is damn high (about 38 degree Celcius) at that time, my mother not allowed it, cause by doing that, the heat will trap under your