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Showing posts from January, 2014

Gong Xi Gong Xi....!

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, Today is a gift" I love this phrase, always make me feel glad and thankful for every breath I take. Life is short. Make use of it. You the one decided either you want to become a good person, doing many good deeds, or become the bad person, doing lot of sins. At the end, the world still apocalypse, and everyone has their own faith. Few days ago, I made a crazy quick decision to spend my Chinesse New Year leaves at my home after a little talk with some buddies at car wash. Pheww. I made it to home at 5.30 pm, after short journey commuting from Sg.Buloh to Taman Melati. Seeing my family gather at my granny's home ...... Alhamdulillah for this big reward from God. I admit, before this, i always going back during weekend, but this time, my weekend are completely different with all of my siblings at home! My weekend are completely crazy and hilarious. It's hard to see them in one place at one time except Hari Raya. Everyo


" Have you ever experience fever?Are they associated with coughing sputum (kahak)? Can you tell me what is the color of your sputum? Is it yellow?, so what is the color? Clear sputum?!"  Just practising what I learn from Early Clinical Exposure (sound too doctor  =.=) Here, what i really what to emphasize is, sputum color play important role in determining whether you being infected by VIRUS or BACTERIA Chupp!! Why suddenly i'm talking about jadah infection ni? RECENTLY, i read some tweet from my friends (not-medic student), they been chirping about Chicken Pox infection that suffer by one of my friend's siblings.  What really concern her that, is she will get infected too? (I think most of us know chicken pox' s rash can cause permanent scar, and this bunch of girlish ladies afraid if it happen in face. HELL NO!!!!) I'm willing to share something from my little knowledge in small less connected neuron about this infection Chicken pox i

Rebrand myself. New me!

I admitted it, my posts previously getting suck from day to day. They might bored YOU, bored ME How lazy i am, just leave this blog unmanageable. It is not because i don't care, but it is a matter of busy or something. Although i am still a Pre-clinical student, but trust me, there's a lot of thing to juggle up by using this 2 bare hand. And i am not a leader or somebody here, i am just me, same girl getting busier from time to time because I FAIL TO MANAGE MY TIME. =..= And this affect my life, and i start getting bored, yea, bored with myself. Whoa! I really need some booster, need to find a new passion in life, beside doing what i always do. So now, i start with my body first, not getting cosmetic surgery , liposuction etc. I want to lose weight may be 10 kilos before kick my ass off from 4th semester. By the way, now i'm at nearly final of 3rd semester. I have my own unregistered dietician ONG wannabe, my one and only housemate, Syue if she read it. She ask me t