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" Have you ever experience fever?Are they associated with coughing sputum (kahak)? Can you tell me what is the color of your sputum? Is it yellow?, so what is the color? Clear sputum?!"

 Just practising what I learn from Early Clinical Exposure (sound too doctor  =.=)

Here, what i really what to emphasize is, sputum color play important role in determining whether you being infected by VIRUS or BACTERIA

Chupp!! Why suddenly i'm talking about jadah infection ni?
RECENTLY, i read some tweet from my friends (not-medic student), they been chirping about Chicken Pox infection that suffer by one of my friend's siblings.  What really concern her that, is she will get infected too? (I think most of us know chicken pox' s rash can cause permanent scar, and this bunch of girlish ladies afraid if it happen in face. HELL NO!!!!)

I'm willing to share something from my little knowledge in small less connected neuron about this infection

Chicken pox is common viral infection that cause an itchy rash and red spot or blisters ALL OVER THE BODY.
How you will get it?
From infected person through their sneeze, cough and share food or drinks, also if you touch the fluid from the blister (pox)

How it presented?
Usually you will get fever (that's why people call it DEMAM CAMPAK), sore throat and headache

But, the best part of this infection, it produce antibody that will long lasting to fight with this small tiny evil creature. So, once you get it, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT ANYMORE!!!!
Interesting kann?

Best advice from my Master-Je to mummy-mummy, or mummy wannabe, if one of your child get infected, 'try' to infect your others child to, so, everybody will get immunity to fight against Chicken Pox. Somebody said to me, it is easier to take care of all of your children when all of them get sick at one time, rather than one child getting sick and the other healthy. (I don't know, i never experience getting people 'merisik' come i know how the feeling to take care of sick children.... mwahaha!)

Last but not least, stay healthy, take care , don't make you suffer whole life wearing too much foundation to cover your scar.
For further reading visit this website

Cekal dan tabah adik ni ye! Chicken pox blister


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