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Gong Xi Gong Xi....!

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, Today is a gift"

I love this phrase, always make me feel glad and thankful for every breath I take. Life is short. Make use of it. You the one decided either you want to become a good person, doing many good deeds, or become the bad person, doing lot of sins. At the end, the world still apocalypse, and everyone has their own faith.

Few days ago, I made a crazy quick decision to spend my Chinesse New Year leaves at my home after a little talk with some buddies at car wash. Pheww. I made it to home at 5.30 pm, after short journey commuting from Sg.Buloh to Taman Melati. Seeing my family gather at my granny's home ...... Alhamdulillah for this big reward from God.

I admit, before this, i always going back during weekend, but this time, my weekend are completely different with all of my siblings at home! My weekend are completely crazy and hilarious. It's hard to see them in one place at one time except Hari Raya. Everyone has their own journey, place to go, what to do, the responsibilities.Only God know how i miss my childhood when we use to play outside, having many friend, going to same school, fighting for silly damn thing. Everything has changed!

After a long day take care of Ian this holiday, we manage to escape and having some good dinner treat at KFC (one of our fav fast food during i know where i got into this body shape..mwahaha!)
Doesn't really matter if it is Chinnesse New Year, Deepavali or Hari Raya, all the family member will gather at one place and enjoy the meal. That's the reason why i love festival.

To my dear friend who celebrate CNY and Malaysian, Gong Xi Fa Chai, may this Horse year bring you a lot of success, happiness and a beautiful life.

To a beautiful life! Cheers!
 p/s: Put aside my medical note, and enjoy my short sweet escape.
Tanglung in the midnight at Kuala Lumpur

KFC selfie!


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